
الخميس، 13 ديسمبر 2012

How to Know if a Shy Girl Likes You at School

Some girls become shy around people they like, often becoming quiet and avoiding eye contact. It can be difficult to tell whether she is nervous or just trying to avoid you. Body language can tell a lot though, and by paying attention to that you can figure out if she likes you.

Notice how often she looks at you. Looking at you a lot is a good indicator that she might like you. If you make eye contact and she looks away immediately or tries to hide her face, this may also mean she likes you. At class, she might strain herself to make eye contact with you when you're participating (if you're right behind her, however, she might not look at you that often) 
This may vary with each shy girl. The key is that shy girls will avoid looking at you when they think you will look back.

 Pay attention to how she talks. Most shy girls become quiet around somebody they like because they are worried about saying the wrong thing; some might do the opposite and talk a little more when you're around to let you know they can be outgoing, too. She may also be passive with what she says, giving you the opportunity to take control of the conversation.

Watch for jealousy. Some shy girls may become jealous if you flirt with others. She may then dismiss whatever flirting you did with her.

Give the girl you like compliments. A compliment from you suggests to her that you like her, which may make her more open.

Sit next to her and have a conversation. Be patient and she will become more comfortable with you. She wont break out of her shell straight away, so be persistent if she is responsive.

Be aware she may be watching you. Shy girls usually survey their crush, watching his behaviors and interactions for clues that you reciprocate their feelings.

Notice if she acts differently around you. She may be loud around others, but quiet around you. She may laugh a lot at things you say or give lots of small smiles. These are hints she is interested. Watch out for blushing--shy girls almost always blush when they find themselves gaining the attention of the object of their affection, so keep an eye out for reddened cheeks and face.

Ask mutual friends or her friends if she has a crush on you. Her closest friends will probably know who her crush is. Remember, she will find out that you asked so be prepared to deal with possible gossip. However, remember that some shy girls are very reserved and may keep their crush a secret, even from their best friends.

Make the first move by finding reasons to hold her hand or pat her back. If she doesn't shy away from this, it is likely that she likes you.

Try asking her out. If you think she likes you, trust your instincts. And remember, a rejection isn't the worst thing in the world! (If you're in middle school, however, you might not want to "go out" yet. If so, invite her to your birthday party or to another more casual event)

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